Registration support

How can I register as user?
If you want to use the homepage of the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. or the SV-DOxS dog database you first have to create your SV-Login.

Select "Login" and click on „create SV-Login“. Please complete all required fields and click on "Create a user". Please make sure, that your password is at least 8 digits long, contains capital and small letters, one number and one special sign.

Once your SV-Login has been created you will receive an automatic email with your activation link. Please open this e-mail and click on the link. You will be directed to the SV-Login page of the homepage of Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. automatically. There you can select if you would like to log-in to the SV homepage or to the SV DOxS data base.
Please use your SV-Login (email-address and password) to register on the selected page.
You can request a new activation link at any time .

In the future, you can always log in with your SV-Login to use the SV homepage and the SV-DOxS dog database.

Problems during registration?

Problems during registration?

We are pleased to assist you: +49 821 74002-50

What happen if I forgot my password?
Even if it should not happen, sometimes we forget our password. Of course this can be rectified; however, some security measures are a precondition to help prevent misuse. You click on the SV homepage or to the DOsxS data base on „forgotten password“ and enter the email address you registered yourself with. You will then receive a link per email to reset your password.

How can I change my password?
When you are logged in on the SV homepage or the SV DOxS data base you can change your actual password at any time: please select "my data" in the area "Password".

How and where can I log myself out?
You can log yourself out directly under the Login window on the start page.

How do I change my email address?
Each change of the email address has to be submitted in a writing form (letter, fax, email) to the SV main office.