Conformation show OG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau Holtkamp

This event was cancelled.
Date: 31.10.2020
Regional group: LG07 - Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Judge: Hans-Peter Schweimer, Friedrich Gerstenberg
Holtkampstr. 6, 33649 Bielefeld, OG-Zuchtschau, VL: Jörg Niedergassel, Holtkampstr. 6, 33649 Bielefeld D
List of participants(4):
Dog Breed book number Type of trial Owner
SZ 2320081 GHKH Alfons Schulmeister
SZ 2344922 GHKH Gudrun Wolff
SZ 2353556 L-JHKR Marina Krawack
SZ-L 2331 L-JKR Martina Hollemsett
10 | 20 | 30 | 50 | 100 | 250